To dearest T.T. 07/28/2005

Thank you for being such a loyal friend to me, for more than half of my life. Not too many friends could ever done as much, and you did, for 17 years.
You're my family.
I couldn't bear waking you up this morning as I saw you sleep so tight, breathe gently.
I should have. I should have done this, done that, and done so much more.
I owe you this much. But could it ever be enough?
When I returned home, you were gone, forever. I didn't get a chance to say goodbye at all.
Hey, how different life would be when you're no longer here with me? Everything seems the same, but, we know it'll never be.
You're the one I've talked the most to. And I'm sorry I never could understand what you'd been through for the last painful month before your time arrived. Maybe it's better for you, afterall. Thinking that you now are immune for good from suffering, pain, and evreything nasty, I wish you love and happiness.
May you rest in peace, my dear friend, family, and spirit.